
Common Ground Climate is run by me, Michelle Rosinski. I’m a person who leans left on the political spectrum but sees a problem with how the mainstream narrative around climate change is leaving conservatives out of the conversation.

People are complex creatures that transcend reductive labels and stereotypes. We each possess unique identities shaped by our diverse beliefs, values, and experiences. And I’m no different. Below are some facts about me:

  • I compost our food waste and grow vegetables in raised garden beds.
  • But I also have a truck and a camper for camping with my family.
  • I enjoy canning my own food and learning ways to be more self sufficient.
  • But I don’t own an EV or find it practical to use my bike for transportation.
  • I like to save tons of money by buying most of my clothes at thrift stores.
  • But I’m not a vegan or vegetarian.
  • I purchase renewable energy from my power provider.
  • But I can’t financially justify installing solar panels.

I care a lot about the future of our planet but I also want to enjoy my life. I’m not willing to spend heroic amounts of time or money on solutions that aren’t practical.

You might lean conservative, but that doesn’t mean you don’t care about the environment. When we acknowledge our differences and find common ground we can begin the real work of forging solutions that unite us rather than divide us.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

~Marianne Williamson